Thursday, February 5, 2009

Witchraft Indonesia "Aji Inti Kencono Agni"

Yours Faithfully

To Learning Witchraft in fact to have a purpose the excellency for the fortress of defender from enemy attack and helping fellow being on the basis of kindliness. Witchraft don't be misused because in the end will effected the calamity because of Religion prohibit the human being to conduct the badness deed.

According to our experience to learn the Witchraft is not too difficult matter so long as we haveing patience, effort and most importantly we have to praying to God. From other side is we must eliminate the egoism which emerge at heartstrings. Basically Witchraft which we learn in the reality very finite. In fact it is true entirety of all mankind very over a barrel to God.

To swiftly to master the witchraft is used by media fast that is do not eat and drink with the time which have been specified. Necessary for us to execute the fasting must be done patiently, because we will find a lot of temptation. Before further we recognize our witchraft have to know the existing fasting type, here we will explain some from type fast that is:

1. Senin Kamis : Fast this is only done on Monday and Thursday, Fast this type of taught by Prophet of Muhammad S.A.W to moslem people
2. Ngelowong : One who conduct this fasting is only enabled sleep three clock of during one day full and prohibited to eat & drink in certain time.
3. Ngrowot : Moment eat before somebody conducting fasting only may eat the fruit. Enabled to eat the fruit more than one but only may one same type. Execution time fast conducted start the At dawn until Magrib or six o'clock p.m .
4. Ngebleng : Somebody executing to fast the ngebleng may not eat, drink, go
from home or room is only enabled to go to bathroom and may not conduct the sexual activity. Execution fast this during one day full and when nighttime may not enlighten room.
5. Pati Geni : Fast the Pati Geni in principle much the same with the fasting Ngebleng but its difference may not sleep at all and may not go out the chamber with any reason. As for execution fast this is usually done one day last night, there is also doing during 3 day and 7 day.
6. Ngeruh : In its execution fast this only eat the vegetable or fruit.
7. Mutih : Usually before doing this fasting, somebody have to do bath . In doing this fasting may not eat the something except white rice and white water( can not be added by a sugar, salt, etc).

The Witchraft in Indonesia a lot of its amount , but we will explain one of heritage Witchraft withdrawing from our ancestors is Sunan Kalijaga of spreader of religion islam in island of jawa Indonesia. This Witchraft is very attractive to be learned, this witchraft name is Aji Inti Kencono Agni.who be able to master it finely, its body will chockablock Sky Fire "Api Langit" so that there no smooth creature or devil capable to come near it.

Scarce witchraft if its magic formula is read, for one who have mastered it the overall of the people body will shine golden like there is fire flame up. effect of sky fire "Api Langit" if smooth creature very super as is try to come near the this witchraft owner will be burn out hideously and will scream considerably painfulness.

If can be finished truly hence this witchraft will enter the body of the owner by itself. To use it when going to enter the smooth creature place is enough read its magic formula is just then pull the breath with the hand position like people execute meditation. After ready then push the hand toward smooth enemy or devil. This is magic formula :

" Bismillahir rohmanir rohiim"

Ingsun iki urip saka dayaning Gusti Allah
Iki Ragaku iki jenengku..............................
(Mention the your name 9x at the same time with restrain breath)
Balung Sumsumku Wesi
Daging Kulitku Waja
Nafasku Lesu
Geniku Segara Murup
Yo, Aku Iki Manungso
Sing Nguwasani Inti Geni
Hu Allah Hu Allah Hu Allah

Ritual Procedures:
1. Take a bath and washing hair use Flower Five Colour
2. Providing coconut ,flower jasmine sufficiently and some fragrant frankincense.
3. During one day last night may not sleep started by the clock 6 evening start the night of Tuesday kliwon.
4. Midnight exact take a seat and prepare the young coconut which have been made hole and underwater is jasmine fresh, don't forget to burn incense.
5. Afterwards read the magic formula 999x heartily.

This is a few clarification from us that generally Witchraft in Indonesia a lot of its amount and we are as part of this nation should be able to preserve the heritage from our ancestor is very valuable

Thank for your attention

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